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The Cost of Voluntary Turnover Calculator
The Financial Impact of Voluntary Turnover and Employee Engagement
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Healthcare Staffing: Happier = Healthier

A Happier Healthcare Workforce Leads to Better Patient Care and a Healthier Bottom Line

A more engaged staff is performs better and reduces turnover.

At BtR Impact, our mission is to equip leaders with the necessary tools and strategies to foster a thriving and dynamic workplace, enhancing resilience, productivity, and profitability. We do more than put Band-Aids on problems—we work with your healthcare organization to remedy the issues that lead to employee disengagement, absenteeism, and voluntary turnover.

Healthcare Staffing Is in Need of Urgent Care

Multiple problems have created a healthcare staffing emergency.

Healthcare workers and leaders are plagued by multiple, interrelated, and progressive problems where one issue often leads to another.

A Progression of Problems Ailing the Healthcare Workforce

Most healthcare professionals are dealing with some—and possibly all—of the following challenges at work. The statistics are discouraging:

Employee disengagement, absenteeism, and voluntary turnover are critical pain points for healthcare staffing. Despite these obstacles, healthcare leaders must find ways to ensure adequate staffing, uphold the morale and well-being of their teams, maintain high standards of patient care, and manage their bottom lines.

You don’t have to juggle these issues alone. At BtR Impact, we work with industry leaders and their organizations to turn around low morale and high turnover and get workforces reengaged, energized, and more committed.

A Progression of Problems Ailing the Healthcare Workforce

Despite high levels of voluntary turnover, 52% of departing employees say that their managers or organizations could have done something to prevent them from quitting their jobs: they wanted to find a way to stay. Unfortunately, only a third of former employees had an opportunity to discuss their grievances with their managers before they quit. Fortunately, the evidence of communication breakdown here provides a clue as to how to mitigate employee churn.

A June 2023 survey found that employees who are engaged and energized about their work are 31% more likely to stay at their jobs and to go above and beyond work to exceed expectations. The statistics are compelling. Organizations should prioritize their efforts to increase morale and (re)engage their employees.

Not every employee can be retained, but an organization can do many things to increase employee engagement and retention. They all begin with managers and communication.

At BtR Impact, we enable business leaders to open up two-way communication with their employees, find common ground and common goals, and get everyone more invested in the work. Happy employees work harder and stick around!

In the competitive healthcare industry, success hinges on motivated and inspiring leadership coupled with engaged and focused employees. Implementing BtR Impact’s TENT framework guides organizations to become positive, vibrant workplaces attracting and retaining top talent. We enhance your leadership effectiveness, team engagement, and overall organizational success and profitability.

Let’s create a happier workforce together.

to take the first step!

Re-engage & Retain Your Healthcare Workforce

The talented and experienced team at BtR Impact can work with your healthcare organization to identify, address, and resolve the issues contributing to employee disengagement and turnover.

BtR Impact is expert at helping companies overcome tough staffing challenges like:


Low morale

Low productivity



Voluntary turnover

At BtR Impact, we equip leaders with the necessary tools and strategies to foster a thriving, dynamic workplace, enhancing resilience, productivity, and profitability. We promote servant leadership, empowering leaders to create a more compassionate and effective work environment.
Even in high-stress settings like healthcare, there’s room for individual care within teams. We’ll teach you how to re-engage employees, reduce voluntary turnover, and create growth opportunities for workers. We’ll show you how improved leadership performance, energized teams, and collaborative problem-solving lead to a more 
productive, satisfied, and successful business.
BtR Impact is here with the right guidance at the right time. Take advantage of our extensive expertise at setting companies on the right track to solve complex staffing challenges. 

Let’s get started.

with us today!

Improve the health (and profitability) of your organization!

Healing Your Bottom Line

Let’s take a look at how some of these costs and savings actually work with a case study:

A hospital has 2,500 full-time employees, 800 of whom left voluntarily over the last year. That’s a 32% annual voluntary turnover—common in the healthcare industry.

If the average annual salary of one of those employees is $59,000, it could cost as much as $177,000 (300% of their annual salary) to replace that individual. Multiplied by the total turnover of 800 employees, that’s a huge cost of $141.6 million!

The estimated cost of absenteeism across all industries is $1,685 per year per employee. Multiplied by a staff of 2,500, that’s $4.2 million annually. However, if we’re working with team engagement in the top quartile, we can cut down absenteeism by as much as 41%, down to $2.5 million. We recoup the savings simply through greater productivity.

Measured by employee engagement, top quartile organizations usually earn 147% more revenue than their competition. If our hospital has an annual revenue of $8 billion, a competitor of similar size with top quartile employee engagement would earn $19.8 billion instead. That’s more than double the revenue!

Our hospital’s usual profit margin is 3%. On its annual revenue of $8 billion, that’s a profit of $240 million. Highly engaged companies perform better, are more efficient, and are at least 21% more profitable by conservative estimates. A 21% increase would increase our hospital’s profit by $50.4 million to $290.4 million. That’s impressive!

The more highly performing top quartile version of our hospital increases revenue from $8 billion to $19.8 billion. The 21% profit increase transforms $240 million into $592.8 million. That’s more than double the profit!

Every business is different and has unique challenges, but staffing problems are pervasive throughout the healthcare industry. All the costs associated with employee disengagement, absenteeism, and high turnover impact the bottom line.

BtR Impact can help you with all these difficulties and more. Not only can we improve your profitability, we can help shape your workplace into a positive environment that energizes and inspires your workforce.

Boost Employee Engagement Within 90 Days!

Let’s work together to get your organization re-engaging and retaining employees through enlightened leadership that works both for your workers and for your bottom line!

Schedule a FREE 15-minute discovery call today!

We will determine whether you need consultation for:

Team building

Management training programs

Leadership coaching

We will cater to your organization’s specific needs and build the right program for you!

Copyright 2024 | BtR Impact

Cost of Employee Disengagement Calculator
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